Relationally mentoring and equipping students as they serve Jesus on their campuses, in their city, and around the world.
University of Calgary
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays
MacHall 317
Worship @ the U
Mondays at 12:00 pm
MacHall 317
Tuesdays at 12:00 pm
MB 315
Contact art.kung@sait.ca
Interfaith Interface
Fridays at 11:00 pm
Mount Royal University
Contact kpjohnson@mtroyal.ca
Worship @ the Well
Wednesdays at 12:00 pm
Contact kpjohnson@mtroyal.ca​
Other Gatherings
Gathering is an important aspect of our life together! We take time to eat together, hike, play sports, host game nights and so much more!
If you would like to be “in the loop” about what is happening next, connect with us!
The Table
The Table is a beautiful opportunity to share a delicious free meal (you read that right) with many international students! It is a place where you can form meaningful friendships with students from all over the world!
The Table is held monthly at Journey Church (10307 Eamon Rd NW) which is easily accessed as the last stop on the Northwest C-train line (Tuscany station).
The event begins at 6 pm and concludes by 8 pm! It is for post-secondary students only!
Service Opportunities
Perhaps you are looking for a way to engage your faith in tangible ways through serving or helping. Here are a few engagement opportunities that are led by UCM staff
The Outreach Hub at Journey Church
Journey Church hosts an Outreach Hub for those experiencing homelessness all year around. This is an opportunity to serve the poor and marginalized in our society by offering a glass of cold water, clothing them and serving them food. Open at Journey Church Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12PM - 5PM. From November-March at the Warming Centre, it is open Monday-Friday from 10AM - 5PM during the colder months.
Jesus Loves You Society With Art Kung
JLYS Centre for Families is a local Calgary non-profit, located in the Beltline, whose purpose is to build friendships with low-income mothers and their children. Join Art every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, to engage with homework club for the kids, and to join the dinner table to build relationships with families. Contact Art in the button below!
The Friendship Program
The Friendship Program is geared towards helping international students develop meaningful friendships with Canadian families. This is a beautiful opportunity to begin friendship with international students, having them over for tea, sharing a meal on Canadian holidays or inviting them to participate in family events! Visit The Friendship Program Website to learn more or contact Kelly in the button below!